Your complete guide to getting your home ready to sell.  

This is not a basic consultation.  This is a comprehensive study of your home, followed by a detailed report that provides a pictorial checklist, room by room, on how to prepare your home to sell.  When selling your home, you want to appeal to the demographic that is buying in your area.  It can be difficult, and emotionally draining, to depersonalize a home you've had so many memories in.  With your Action Report in hand you are equipped to handle this daunting task with ease and efficiency.  Once you have completed your-do list, email pictures of your space and we will offer any last minute tweaks before photography is scheduled.  


What's Included: 

  • In Home Consultation

  • Detailed Action Plan

  • Basic Paint Color Suggestions

  • Continued e-mail support as you implement your action plan

  • Referrals for photography, painter, and handy-man services, etc.

  • Recommendations for additional staging services or design packages for upgrades and renovation services

  • *The service is $500 for homes over 1M due to a larger size and time required to execute





Your doable action plan is waiting.

Schedule your appointment today!