A Word about Closets…
Many stagers will ask you to clean out ALL of your closets and cabinets on the off chance a buyer will look through it. We think this is a good idea but a bit over the top. Our focus is on the priority transformations, not to drive you crazy with a lot more work. Ideally, since you will be packing things away anyway take a closet at a time and weed out anything you haven’t used in four months.
With that said, the Master Bedroom closets are the exception to this rule. This is an area that homebuyers pry into, so it’s a good idea to appear spacious, neat and organized. The more anal you appear to be, the more your homebuyer will view the house as “taken care of”. Below is a step by step checklist of how we suggest you attack your master bedroom closets:
Pack away anything you have not used or worn in four months. For most of us, it’s about 80% of our wardrobe. Think ahead in terms of weather and special events but overall this should not be hard to do.
Group by item starting with shirts, blouses, jackets, skirts and lastly pants (If you have a walk-in closet, pants should be in the back.) Separate the His and Hers sections.
Within each item category, arrange by color
Make sure each item is facing the same direction (away from the door)
Organize shoes preferably in a rack on the floor
Clear off and pack away anything on the top of the closet shelf
Organize any “loose” items such as belts and scarves in matching boxes or baskets on the top of the closet
Consider buying inexpensive hat boxes/nesting boxes for accessories to add a little drama
Consider buying wood hangers OR matching hangers
Consider buying a closet organizer (Target has these now) which can be very appealing to homebuyers
Finally, since closets usually don’t have any natural light, make sure your artificial light is extra bright by replacing the bulbs and cleaning the fixtures
**Remember, it is a lot easier to “let go” of unused items today, then to unpack them tomorrow! Consider this staging process the ultimate in “spring cleaning!”